In this age of DIYing and figuring out how to do things via Youtube tutorials, it's no wonder that people are choosing to forgo a realtor in the sale of their house. Whether it's because they want to save money, time, hassle, or simply think they can do it better themselves, it's becoming a more popular route nowadays. Especially with technological advances such as apps like Zillow, 3D tours of homes, Zoom calls, and the ability to put out an online ad yourself, selling your home is becoming even easier.
There are really two answers to the question "How do I sell my house without a realtor?"
For Sale By Owner
With this route, just remember that you'll be doing most of the grunt work yourself. You'll need to do a lot of research regarding:
The value of your home - hiring an appraiser is your best option.
How best to advertise that your home is for sale
What repairs/renovations really need to be done, and which can fly under the radar
How to negotiate with potential buyers
What to do when "settling up"
Be prepared for the amount of work this will take. You'll need to set aside a few months of free time in order to make sure you do it thoroughly and correctly. This is a good option when saving money is at the top of your priorities list.
Direct Buyer
There are a few names that these home buyers go by---cash buyers, companies who buy houses, instant buyers---but they all mean the same thing. These people are very interested in purchasing your home, as is, and they'll give you cash for it. You'll need to know:
How soon you're looking to move
Your reasons for moving - how important or time sensitive are they?
What kind of offer you're willing to receive
Which company or direct buyer you'd like to pursue a deal with
......and that's it!
The only time and effort you put into this process is deciding which company you think fits your needs best. And, of course, the packing up and moving part (but all options include this, sadly)!
This is a very good option for someone who doesn't want to (or cannot) deal with the time and effort it takes to sell your home yourself. With this route, you can save on closing costs and skip the hassle of mortgages. In addition, since there is no middle man, you are never stuck feeling unsure of what you're getting. These companies are up front, and will come to you with an offer quite quickly.
So, if you're still thinking "I want to sell my house without a realtor," we're here to tell you that it's 100% doable and definitely a great option!